Dyma iachawdwriaeth hyfryd
Dyma iechydwriaeth hyfryd

(Iechydwriaeth Ddigonol)
Dyma iechydwriaeth hyfryd
  Wedi'i threfnu gan fy Nuw -
Ffordd i gadw dyn colledig,
  Balm i wella dynol-ryw:
    Dyma ddigon
I un euog fel myfi.

Wele foroedd o fendithion!
  O am brofi eu nefol flas;
Ni bydd diwedd byth ar lawnder
  Iechydwriaeth dwyfol ras:
    Dyma ddigon:
Gorfoledda f'enaid mwy.
iechydwriaeth :: iachawdwriaeth

William Jones 1784-1847

cambriodolwyd hefyd i William Jones 1764-1822

Tonau [8787447]:
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Bethesda (alaw Ellmynig)
Bryntirion (A H T Lutteroth 1802-89)
Dôl-y-Coed (William Harris 1820-1910)
Edge Vale (<1875)
Regent Square (Henry Smart 1813-79)
Sicily (alaw Eidalaidd)

  Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
  Wele'r Hwn sydd hollgyfoethog

(Sufficient Salvation)
Here is delectable salvation
  Arranged by my God -
A way to save lost man,
  Balm to make better humankind:
    Here is sufficient
For one guilty like myself.

Behold seas of blessings!
  O to experience their heavenly taste;
There will never be an end to fullness
  Of the salvation of divine grace:
    Here is sufficient:
My soul will be jubilant evermore.

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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