Dyma iechydwriaeth hyfryd Wedi'i threfnu gan fy Nuw - Ffordd i gadw dyn colledig, Balm i wella dynol-ryw: Dyma ddigon I un euog fel myfi. Wele foroedd o fendithion! O am brofi eu nefol flas; Ni bydd diwedd byth ar lawnder Iechydwriaeth dwyfol ras: Dyma ddigon: Gorfoledda f'enaid mwy. cambriodolwyd hefyd i William Jones 1764-1822
Tonau [8787447]:
gwelir: |
Here is delectable salvation Arranged by my God - A way to save lost man, Balm to make better humankind: Here is sufficient For one guilty like myself. Behold seas of blessings! O to experience their heavenly taste; There will never be an end to fullness Of the salvation of divine grace: Here is sufficient: My soul will be jubilant evermore. tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |